March 2021 Updates

Good Afternoon Campers, 

    Let's recap, we have gotten a lot done, and have had to deal with some really rough news. 

        We had to make the hard decision of putting Bandit, our 18 year old pup down. She will have her own post for those of you who would like to get to know her through our eyes as well as hear all the stories we can think of about her. If you guys have followed us for some time you know that Chris has had her since she was very young, she was a rescue and they instantly fell in love with each other. The last couple years in her old age she started to have signs of aging, she was getting gray hair in her once fully black mask, she had gotten Glaucoma something fierce. She also had started to get weaker joints to were it was hard for her to get up or sit/ lay down. Well the worst part was that she, within the last few months, started to get dementia and it was very sudden and very harsh on her memory. 

Because Chris and I haven't been together for most of her life she forgotten me a few times and thought I was going to hurt her. She never hurt me, and it honestly broke my heart to see her like that. She would start to go to her water bowl or something late in the night and Chris would go out to find her and see her standing in the middle of the kitchen just staring because she didn't know where she was anymore. So we made the hardest decision, especially because Chris is in the military and we are transferring soon, we decided she wasn't going to make it to the next duty station (per her vets advice as well). 

    On February 19, 2021 we said goodbye to the best pup anyone could ask for. She will have her own obituary of sorts once I can muster up the courage to write it. I want you guys to understand our love for her, as well as hopefully give her the recognition she deserves.  For those of you worried about how Furgus (the cat raised by her) he is doing better. It did take a few days for him to adjust, but I believe they both knew and he has come to terms with it. Please be aware that her post will be coming in the next few days, there will be nothing graphic in the post, however I know for me pet lives are sensitive topics, so please know that I will put a warning on the post. 

Now onto the Airstream Renovation Updates!


        Wooohooo!!! We finally got the kitchen area done! We ended up changing a bit of the original design because we wanted to use these metal cabinets we had, so we ended up just building them into our original pantry idea. (The kitchen area will have a post coming up within the next week so stay tuned!) We have also basically finished the bedroom area, the only thing left to do is make the cabinet covers for around the bed. As far as the bathroom, we tore out the shower (it was terrible, and broken) and decided to not have a shower at all and put in more shelving for the pantry (woot woot!). We will be staying at RV parks anyways so a shower is not important to us, as we also have an outdoor shower as well. We have a post on that coming as well. Within the next few weeks of March, and beginning of April we are planning on being completely done with the Airstream, as we transfer very soon!

  Now each area of the Airstream will have its own respective post, same layout as before with before and after photos as well as a overview of the work we did and if any new tools and such were tested they will have their own reviews. For now, here are some pictures I have taken as things have gotten done. 

    We are in the process of painting and staining all of the wood and other areas we wanted to update.

^ For the bathroom and all the other solid white areas we used: #ClarkandKensington # 126B410 solid white/tint base (this was an oops paint so I have included the little tag if you wanted to create this color)

^ For the bathroom and all the other solid white areas we used: #ClarkandKensington # 126B410 solid white/tint base (this was an oops paint so I have included the little tag if you wanted to create this color)

^ For the Ceiling and the main Kitchen wall that you see when you walk in we used #Valspar Flawless Finish Line # 57035 pure white/tint base (this was an oops paint so I have included the little tag if you wanted to create this color)

^ For the Ceiling and the main Kitchen wall that you see when you walk in we used #Valspar Flawless Finish Line # 57035 pure white/tint base (this was an oops paint so I have included the little tag if you wanted to create this color)

^For staining of the wood in the bedroom and a few other areas we are using #BehrStain Tint Base # 5077 color "Barn Red"

We have taken out all of the copper piping for the old water heater that was busted, as well as the furnace because we will be putting in a small wood stove in the future. In its place we are using #pexpiping for all of our water needs. They will have their own post, as Chris is very excited to share with you all the stuff he got for it and where he got it from. 

On the List of things we still need to finish:

    * Finish the bathroom counter, we need to redo the lights in the bathroom as well

    * Finish the Kitchen counter, it needs to be sanded, and then painted and epoxied 

    * Repack the bearings ( we are transferring across the country so it needs to be redone) 

    * Redo the Brake discs, we have new replacements just need to attach them

    * Finish the painting/staining 

    * Make the Curtains (these will be done sometime in April) 

So there ya have it, we are almost done with the Renovation and we are soo excited to finally be able to give a tour! New posts coming, as well as the epic Vlog we will be having for our move across the country! So stay tuned! 

-The Whitten's- 


August 2021 Updates


August 2020 Updates