Bride and Groom Q&A


Hello campers,

 Today Chris and I are answering your questions from our Instagram, Twitter and some random ones we thought would be fun to share so you can get to know us.

So lets get started shall we: 

Q&A With Chris and Ashley

1: Where and When did we first meet?

    On the moon Alice, on the moon.....

    Ok in all seriousness, we met in Fallon Nevada right after I had moved there for a hospital job and he was stationed there. We met through a mutual friend, and we hit it off right from the beginning.

2: When did you meet his family?

    Our first date and when I met his family all happened at once, We took a road trip to Cherry Hill water park to hang out with his parents and also meet his nieces. I was kinda nervous because it was our first official date and also meeting the parents is a BIG DEAL, but when I met them everything basically just fell into the right places. We had a blast and I knew right then that this was going to be a great story. 

3: Who said "I Love You" first?

    ummm, bandit? actually I believe it was Chris who said it first, or it was both of us, we don't really know I call him "love" when I am trying to get his attention anyways. So for the question we will say both of us. 

4: What is she good at?

    Umm, everything? Is there a list i'm supposed to pick from? what kind of question is this? You do everything I ask of you and more I cant really pick one thing you're good at.  

5: Nicknames for each other?

    He calls me M&M (mighty midget) and I call him Love. 

6: What is your favorite resturant?

    His: Spaghetti Factory

    Hers: Olive Garden

7: Complete this sentence: "You're my...."

    Him: "You're my.... *insert silence*

    Hers: "You're my...sugar pie honey bunch"

8: Who's more romantic?

    His: "no, crying at children movies doesn't make you romantic"

    Hers: "I am, and that's mean"

9: Who's the best driver?

    Her: umm I don't know I don't drive anymore

    Him: Sooo me, that means me

10: Who's more likely to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?

    Her: HIM!!!

    Him: "I don't know what you're talking about.  *insert commentary* (Sir where you speeding?) 

11: Who's the best chef?

    Both of us agree it depends on what is being cooked, he is a master of the grill and makes the most amazing spaghetti, while I cook more for the daily and for crowds.

12: Who's the picky eater?

    Both of us agree it is him. Though I do not consider him picky.

13: Who's more likely to steal all the covers on a cold night?

    Him: You

    Me: no

    Him: Ahh yes you

    Me: noooo

    Him: oh yes I see its... You

14: Who wakes up first?


15: Who stays up later?


16: Who is the better singer in the shower?

    Furgus, he sings the song of his people when we have to bathe him

17: Who's Clumsier?

    Sadly her and the dog

18: Who's chattier?


19: Who's funnier?

    He is 

20: Who's more dramatic?

    That would be her, since shes laughing at the question

21: Who's more stubborn?


22: Who's more organized?

    It depends on the situation

23: Who's more of a thrill seeker?

    Both of us 

24: Who would last longer on a deserted island?

    What kind of question is this? It depends on the island? If we are separated he would have more skills to use where as I would depend on my smaller body frame to slowly die. But if we are together then both of us would have our strengths and abilities to help each other.  

This wraps up the Q& A for now, 

keep sending us more questions and we will make another post or maybe a video this next time of us answering them. 

Thank you for all the questions we have received so far. 

-The Whitten’s-


The Wedding