December ‘21-Charities for the Holiday Season

Happy Holiday season to all, no matter what you celebrate!

I cannot believe it is already December! The year is almost over, and usually, around this time everyone is in a giving and thankful mood. With Christmas on its way, I have been seeing a lot of charities posting and interacting with people again. Makes me remember a lot of charities I used to support, but no longer because of doing my research and finding out that they did not donate whatever percentage they said, or do what I thought they were doing.

Chris and I sadly, won’t be spending Christmas this year with family, so we will need to find something to do that day, as the holidays are very difficult for us. As some of you know, I suffer from endometriosis and PCOS to name a few that contribute to our infertility.

While we, personally are not looking to have children any time soon, if at all. This time of the year is usually hard for us, as I am very emotional and have more depression and anxiety surrounding children and this time of year.

Before my current infertility problems, I also was in a low-income family for my entire childhood. From my biological family to my foster and finally an adoptive family. I was always excited for when the social worker or the Boys and Girls club would give out free toys, which meant I could get something new.

This brings me to the point of this post; I have gathered all my favorite places to donate toys and such for families and children in need. These are in no order, but I have done my research (as you should too) and this is the list I have come up with.

Make Sure your money and donations are going to the actual places/companies you are supporting. Do your research!

There are usually state foster care facilities that you can donate directly to, so if you want to donate directly by dropping off toys and clothes you can usually find them with a quick google search.

^ For those who want to donate to Children with Disabilities or Autism, I strongly suggest you make sure the place you want to donate to is NOT associated with Autism Speaks. If you do not know what you are supporting, do not support it, please do your research! This goes for all charities, make sure your money and contributions are going to what you think you are supporting.

Also, be sure you are checking which type of toys and such they accept. I have included a little description for each but please make sure you are checking.

  •      TOYS 4 TOTS - Most recognizable, they are run by the Marine Corp. New, unopened, unwrapped toys Usually 12 and under. You can now donate directly on their website as well.

  •     FOSTER AMERICA - You can donate directly on their website if you choose to. They have been around since 2016. You can also see their finical reports on their website as well.

  •     PIVOT POINT -(Canada)- Autism, and families with Special Needs Children

  •     KULTURE CITY- Based in Birmingham Alabama, can donate on their website

  •     ASAN (Autism Self Advocacy Network)- More focused on college experiences for Autistic adults but you can also donate and volunteer any time of the year.

  •     SPEEDWAYS CHILDREN CHARITIES- I used to work at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway and used to race dirt bikes and such and so I have donated to this charity specifically quite a few times. You can also lookup the NHRA (National Hot Rod Association charity- They even have a Make a Wish Car and have a few different charities they support in the community)  You can donate online, or if you live near one of the 9 speedways (Bristol, Vegas, Atlanta, Charlotte,  New Hampshire, Sonoma, or Texas)  you can usually donate toys and such at the specific speedway, just check first.

I just want to reiterate that you need to be researching the companies and such that you are supporting. With a loving heart and a giving spirit, we can help some children and families this year have a Christmas, or whatever holiday they celebrate.

I hope this holiday season is a great one, with lots of love,

The Whitten’s

 Merry everything and happy Always.

Let us know in the comments what Charities you support, or that we should add to our list!

* The charities listed are from my own opinions and research. I am not telling you that you must donate to these places. PLEASE do your own research and support who you want. I am simply giving suggestions. These companies are not affiliated with me, I am not getting anything in return for posting this. There are no ads on this page! Please be aware of scams this holiday season. I or any reputable charity should not be spam calling you or sending mass emails asking you for additional information. Please be aware! *

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