December Updates

 Good Morning Campers,

today I will be updating you on what Chris and I have in store for the blog as well as renovations for the #Airstream

This post will just be a quick update as to where we left off in November right before #Thanksgiving.

Chris and I, along with Bandit and Furgus, spent Thanksgiving week in #Wyoming, with Chris‘ parents.

It was such an amazing week, it was my first time being in snow(that actually stuck and didn’t melt away by noon... I’m looking at you Las Vegas.)

We saw the movie #Midway with his dad. Chris and I like historical movies already, so this was a no brainer for us to go and see. This movie is about the battle of Midway(a very decisive #Naval Battle during #WorldWar2.) Chris and I liked it, obviously they can not fit the entirety of the battle in a 2 hour movie, but for what they did we did enjoy the movie. We rate it 4 out of 5 stars.

**also just going to state that I really liked Nick Jonas in this one...yes I totally fangirled for a few**

With it being my first actual snow week, Chris and I did get to goof around and play in it. I felt like I was little girl again, it was a #winterwonderland for me. So many different textures and feelings, almost a sensory overload but I enjoyed it so much.

I almost got sick that week, but thanks to #Zicam tablets I did not, and was back to normal within a day or so.

(Note the bottle itself says to take at the onset of symptoms. Even though I am in the medical field, I am not giving you medical advice. What works for me may not work for you or be good enough for you. Please see your Primary care provider for yourself during flu/cold season if you are feeling sick.)

We also went to the #JacksonWyoming recreation center and that was really amazing because with it freezing cold outside we took the opportunity to go and sit in nice dry and wet saunas. #getyoursweaton

 Now that we are back, and getting ready to completely transition over to the Airstream, we are finishing up our main concerns as far as renovations go.

That list includes #renovations for the bedroom. We are taking out the bed frame that is there and making it more sturdy, as well as building custom cabinets for the room area. That post will be up and available as soon as we are done. 

We are also going to be completely redoing the bathroom, as this bathroom (from its wallpaper to its functionality) does not work for us. With that being said we will be making it entirely custom to us and our needs. As with all of our renovations this project will have its own post entirely from the tools to the materials and the process.

Make sure you subscribe and follow for post updates as well as to our Instagram because we are most active there. We try to keep you guys in mind when planning out everything because we know you guys want to see what our ideas and such are. Especially since the #liveriveted #fulltimeliving groups really help everyone out. It’s a very close knit group but has such wonderful people who offer so much help and advice to people, like Chris and I, who are newbies.

-The Whitten's-


Happy Holidays from our family to yours.

We hope to hear from you guys.

1.How was your holidays?

2. Did you enjoy your time with Family and friends?

3. Do you have any questions for us?

*Chris and I are thinking of way to celebrate getting 200 followers on Instagram, we would love to hear your suggestions.


We will see you guys on any of our social media platforms as well as in the next post.


August 2020 Updates