August 2020 Updates


Good Morning Campers,

Here is just a small update on the Whitten household.

First things first......


Yup! That's right Chris proposed June 24 of this year, and I am so Extremely excited!

A little about the rings.

We have matching Tungsten bands.

His engraving says "The strength of the wolf is the pack"

My engraving says: "The strength of the pack is the wolf"

Our date is September 19th 2020.

Yes we realize we are in the middle of a pandemic..

*thank you Covid 19*


So we are taking proper measures and going by CDC guidelines.

However our wedding ceremony will be very small and it will be in Wyoming.

Since we are having such a small ceremony I will just be updating the blog with pictures after all is done.

As far as the air-stream is concerned, we are almost done with the bedroom and such remodels. Everything we update or remodel will have their own post as well as a breakdown of supplies and instructions based on how we achieved the renovation.

Pictures to come for these as well.

I will be streaming on Twitch Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 am pacific time.

Furgus and Bandit are as well as ever. People still do not believe us when we tell them that Bandit is 16 years old.

I am debating on doing a wedding DIY post simply because I am not sure what I will be doing just yet. As it will be a very simple ceremony I do not want to go overboard.

But whatever I do end up making will have pictures included in the official wedding post.


It seems we are caught up for now,

We are just trying to get through this pandemic and not loose our sanity. As of now I am working from home, and Chris is active duty so well.. he has to go to work regardless.

We hope everyone is staying safe and following their states guidelines.

We will get through this.

Love and Best wishes from our family to yours.


-The Whitten’s-


March 2021 Updates


December Updates